
Spotcom Ltd are a family run company specialising in high reliability industrial data communications, primarily via radio. Calling on over 21 years direct experience, we are able to service the requirements of utility companies, industrial users, systems integrators,distribution companies and end users throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland.
A point of pride is the customer support we offer. We know our products and services, and understand the needs of our customers, and the pressures they are under to provide reliability in their systems. Advice and guidance is readily available to our customers.
Whether its a simple radio telemetry link to remotely control and monitor a pump, or a site wide SCADA system, Spotcom have experience gained from many and varied projects to call upon. From Formula 1 to the Falkirk Wheel, Spotcom staff have been involved in many prestigious projects- and many less glamorous- covering a surprisingly wide range of applications... airports, (military and civilian), water treatment plants, road signage control, rail signaling, prestige vehicle manufacture, secure site building management control, fire detection system communication, black-start generation communications to name but a few.
industrial radio industrial wireless radio telemetry industrial radio telemetry radio modem industrial radio modem wireless Ethernet serial modem wireless modem industrial radio communications radio telemetry uk radio modem long range scada radio modem plc radio modem rs232 rs485 radio site surveys electrical services industrial radio industrial wireless radio telemetry industrial radio telemetry radio modem industrial radio modem wireless Ethernet serial modem wireless modem industrial radio communications radio telemetry uk radio modem long range scada radio modem plc radio modem rs232 rs485 radio site surveys electrical services industrial radio industrial wireless radio telemetry industrial radio telemetry radio modem industrial radio modem wireless Ethernet serial modem wireless modem industrial radio communications radio telemetry uk radio modem long range scada radio modem plc radio modem rs232 rs485 radio site surveys electrical services